Valle Gets a Responsive WordPress E-Commerce Site
Responsive website design with WordPress and WooCommerce The Brief: Create an ecommerce site that is visually appealing, stable and easy to use Integrate with social media The Method: Strategy : Main function of site is to showcase and sell the Valle Training Glove line. Web Design and Development : Valle wanted to be portrayed as an innovative industry leader. The overall style for the website is "sporty" and fresh. High-end photography is key. Technology : Built using WordPress CMS platform. Plugins: WooCommerce, WordPress SEO, WP Theme: pk2012 Sold! Widgets: MailChimp, Twitter The Result: The Valle Training Glove website is responsive, easy to navigate, and matches the existing brand. Visit the website Patrick LaJuett manages a website design agency : + , where he supports clients as a Web technology consultant and search marketing strategy advisor.