Sharing my experience in the world of website design, marketing and SEO.
New TimelySites Website built using Google Sites
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New TimelySites for Enhanced Communications Solutions
Fast loading, search engine friendly, and integrated with Google Apps for Work
Patrick LaJuett manages a website design agency: +, where he supports clients as a Web technology consultant and search marketing strategy adviser.
If I had to recommend one thing regarding SEO/inbound marketing...embrace the social media tools like blogging, Twitter , Facebook, YouTube, etc. Google is transforming the way it ranks content: You can already get a hint at what's on the horizon with universal or blended search (Websites, video, images, local maps, and even social "mentions"). According to Google, "The ultimate goal of universal search is to break down the silos of information that exist on the web and provide the very best answer every time a user enters a query." If a potential customer has a makes sense to provide Google with your "very best answer".
Bacon Wrapped Strip Steaks My first attempt at cooking bacon-wrapped steaks on my propane-fueled Weber grill. They turned out great! I started by prepping the steaks. I seasoned them with a bit of salt and pepper. Next, I wrapped each steak with a strip of bacon, securing it with a toothpick. I grilled them for about 6 minutes on each side until the bacon was crispy and the meat cooked to a medium rare temperature. I removed the steaks from the grill and let them rest for a few minutes to allow the juices to redistribute. Then, I sliced them into thin strips and served them up. The bacon-wrapped strip steaks were delicious. It was the perfect summertime meal! The bacon added a salty and smoky flavor to the juicy and flavorful meat. PIN RECIPE Bacon Wrapped Strip Steak Recipe These bacon-wrapped strip steaks are juicy and flavorful, with a crispy bacon exterior. Perfect for grilling o...
Julia LaJuett, a freelance video editor, recently asked me to help transform her website to better showcase her editing skills and expertise. Powered by Google Sites, the revamped site is visually appealing. It embraces modern features to provide an immersive experience for potential clients.