Google My Business Locations

Google My Business Locations

Changes to Google's bulk business location management tool


Google has launched a new local business management tool called "Google My Business Locations".  At first glance, this appears to be the long awaited replacement for "Google Places for Business".  In fact the old link redirects to a 500 error page.

Here is a quick overview of the new interface.

Google My Business Locations Landing Page

Note the message "We’re adding new features to Google My Business Locations, so please keep an eye out for improvements. Learn more about upcoming changes.


Managing Multiple Local Business Locations

For us SEO's, this tool is a great way to quickly diagnose local listing issues for multiple clients. On the screen below, we see that we have a few unverified business, as well as a data conflict and opening hours issue.


Resolving Data Conflict Issues

We can investigate and remedy issues by drilling down into the individual business data.


Editing a Location

A really nice new feature is direct linking to the business listing on Google Maps, as well as the associated GooglePlus page.  I also noticed a few stray html tags in the business descriptions field.  Probably from a copy and paste via the customer's website.  These are now easily identified and removed.  I don't recall this functionality in the old interface.


Google My Business Dashboard

Here we see that the most recent updates we made to the business data are pending review.

I am thrilled with the new interface.  I think Google has finally merged all of the old Google Local and Google Places data into Google Plus pages.  The new Google My Business management tool will certainly make life easier for folks who help manage multiple business locations.  Well done Google!

Patrick LaJuett
Patrick LaJuett manages a website design agency: +, where he supports clients as a Web technology consultant and search marketing strategy adviser.


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